Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Eating habits of Animals - School Project

Hi Friends.. 

Saying Hi.. thru this space after a gap…Today sharing my son’s school project- “Eating habits of animals”…. Made an interactive scrapbook with Sliding card and flaps…Inspiration is from Dr Sonia’s blog only… 

Created flaps for each animals and details about the animal's food is written inside...When card is pulled... 

Second page...

Last Page...

Front cover…

Thanks for visiting…



  1. So good to have you post after such a long time Sindhu and I am so pleasantly surprised to see a link to me!! Your chart is so neat and stylishly made...love it!

  2. Lovely work! Good to see Sonia's inspiration behind! :)

  3. So glad you remembered to post this one Sindhu..my kiddo is learning about electricity and taking experiments to school but I have been too lazy to photograph and blog it. Thank you so much for linking to me and Thank you once again for participating in my 5 Million Pageviews Celebration
